CTC, MC 2211
Main Phone: 740-2804
Dean Daley, Elizabeth | 740-2804 |
Executive Assistant Lynn, Stacey | 740-2804 |
Executive Secretary Vile, Brooke | 740-2804 |
Receptionist Ruelas-Ruiz, Ashley | 740-2804 |
Vice Dean of Faculty Lippit, Akira Mizuta | 740-6919 |
Vice Dean of Academic Affairs Renov, Michael | 740-3335 |
Interim Associate Dean, Research Kratky, Andreas | 740-3335 |
Curriculum Coordinator Jungheim, Sam | 821-0020 |
Senior Faculty Affairs Coordinator Nguyen, Kelly | 821-0023 |
Assistant Dean, Administration and International Programs Baker, Alan | 740-5258 |
Director Special Events Ago, Alex | 740-2330 |
Senior Associate Dean, Advancement Wilson, Justin | 740-4717 |
Assistant Dean & Senior Director of Development Watson, Rachel | 740-2804 |
Director, Annual Giving Programs Harris, David | 740-2804 |
Executive Director of Development Espinoza, Sabrina | 821-0452 |
Assistant Director, Events and Operations Ellingson, Corinne | 740-2804 |
Development Coordinator Bacio, Gabriella | 740-2804 |
Director of Development, Stewardship and Corporate/Foundation Relations Wilson, Kyndal | 740-2804 |
Director of Alumni Relations Denning, Christina | 740-2804 |
Administrative Computing
Information Systems Director Martinez, Jason | 821-2762 |
Senior Web Developer Bulnes, Juan | 821-2643 |
Web Developer Bhalani, Apul | 821-7934 |
Systems Administrator San Angel, Jenny | 821-1531 |
System Analyst Liu, Ben Zhen | 740-5476 |
Desktop Support Salinas, Kierstyn | 740-6608 |
Administrative Services (Business Office)
Senior Business Officer Jacobs, Candice | 740-2906 |
Accounting/Financial Supervisor Arocho, Isaiah | 740-2906 |
Budget/Business Analyst Melton, Cassidy | 740-2906 |
Budget/Business Analyst Park, Rachel | 740-2906 |
Human Resources Manager Arocho, Teresa | 740-2908 |
Payroll Coordinator Kim, Jane | 740-2906 |
Payroll Coordinator Ordonez, Jennifer | 740-2906 |
Animation and Digital Arts Division
Chair Cheng, Teresa | 740-9726 |
Assistant Director Sigismondi, Daphne Mc Curdy | 740-3986 |
Professor Reisig, Jason Sito, Tom | 821-4396 821-4396 |
Associate Professors | 821-4396 |
Professor of Practice Hanson, Eric Reckinger, Candice Patterson, Mike | 821-4396 821-4396 821-4396 |
Associate Professor of Practice Halsey, Jordan | 821-4396 |
Assistant Professor of Practice | 821-4396 |
Communications and Public Relations
Associate Dean of Communications Borella, Kristin | 740-9514 |
Graphic Arts Manager Gomez, Roberto A. | 740-0134 |
Marketing Content Producer Gilmour, Ryan | 740-0137 |
Writer and Social Media Strategist Pola, Ben | 740-0108 |
Cinema and Media Studies
Chair Keeling, Kara | 740-3329 |
Academic Program Manager Turf, Ryan | 740-1103 |
Administrative Assistant Chetebourne, Maria | 740-3333 |
Professors Boyd, Todd Imre, Aniko Jaikumar, Priya McPherson, Tara Lippit, Akira Mizuta Renov, Michael | 740-3334 740-3334 740-3334 740-3334 740-8508 740-6919 |
Associate Professors Duong, Lan Connor, J.D. Govil, Nitin Serna, Laura Isabel Sollett, Peter | 740-3334 740-3334 740-3334 740-3334 740-3334 |
Entertainment Technology Center (ETC)
Executive Director Williams, Kenneth | |
Chief Administrative Officer Meadows, Edie | 821-6163 |
Media Arts + Practice, and Institute for Multimedia Literacy
Chair Willis, Holly | 821-5709 |
Vice Chair Ramsey, Elizabeth | 821-6797 |
Academic, Program Coordinator Seetharaman, Sonia | 821-5860 |
Professor Fisher, Scott | 821-5219 |
Professor of Practice Callahan, Vicki Kuhn, Virginia Mcdowell, Alex | 821-4472 821-5732 821-4472 |
Assistant Professor of Practice Bodie, Michael Hughes, Evan | 743-4768 743-4560 |
Associate Professor of Practice Benzon, Kiki Johnson, David Ramsey, Elizabeth | 821-5700 821-5741 821-5873 |
Interactive Designer Lopez, David | 821-5786 |
Interactive Division
Game Innovation Lab | 743-1693 |
IMD Co-Design Lab | 743-1900 |
Chair Bilson, Danny | 821-2515 |
Assistant Director Roberts, Sam | 821-2515 |
Administrative Budget Assistant Benson, Gini | |
Student Services Advisor II Murph, Erlis | |
Career Services Specialist Thomas, Deanna |
Interactive Division Faculty
Professor Bolas, Mark Fullerton, Tracy | 740-4095 743-8506 |
Associate Professor Nealen, Andrew Lemarchand, Richard | 821-2515 821-4472 |
Professor of Practice Brinson, Peter | 821-1533 |
Assistant Professor of Practice Moser, Margaret | 821-4472 |
Associate Professor of Practice Bloom, Sean Gotsis, Marientina | 740-2921 740-3159 |
Game Innovation Lab
Director Fullerton, Tracy | 743-8506 |
Hugh M. Hefner Moving Image Archive
Archivist Everett, Dino | 740-1567 |
Cinematic Arts Cataloger Young, Chelsey | 740-1567 |
Norris Theater
Manager Leist, Andrew | 740-1946 |
Assistant Theatre Manager Eichler, Amelia | 740-1946 |
Projectionist Jaros, Stan Gealogo, Patrick Wolf, Dan | 740-1946 740-1946 740-1946 |
Director Gonzalez, Claudia | 740-2892 |
Assistant Facilities Manager Sisneros II, George | 740-2891 |
Facilities Coordinator Diaz, Bianca | 740-2893 |
Facilities Coordinator Paredes, Kayla | 821-3688 |
Facilities Coordinator Harley, Patrick | 821-3688 |
Peter Stark Producing Program
Chair Saxon, Edward | 740-3307 |
Academic Program Manager Lane, Michael | 740-3304 |
Student Service Advisor Cool, Bailey | 821-5631 |
Academic Program Assistant Robertson, Lindsey | 740-3239 |
Physical Production
Director, Physical Production Selph, Hashem | 740-0095 |
Physical Production Administrator Han, Becca (Suh-Hee) | 740-9475 |
Physical Production Coordinator Mayerson, Jared | 764-0158 |
Digital Media and Technology
Director Kean, Brad | 821-1532 |
Administrative Assistant Quon, Tiffany | 821-2754 |
Post Production Manager Morocco, Chris | 740-3978 |
Arts Lab Manager Pak, Esther | 740-1616 |
Assistant Manager, Post Production Bushman, Tony | 740-2470 |
Creative Technology and Support Manager Short, Neil | 740-3977 |
Supervisor, Systems and Networking Bernal, Bryce | 740-1493 |
Supervisor, Customer Support Dodd, Ashton | 740-4438 |
Creative Tech Support Line | 821-4571 |
Vault and Scheduling Manager Gonazales, Vince | |
Audio Engineer Lopez, Martin | 740-1370 |
Production and Stage Services Manager Rossier, Nick | 740-2898 |
Engineering Technician II Andrew, Allen | 821-0045 |
Production Division
Chair Katz, Gail | 740-0003 |
Vice Chair Arnold, Susan | |
Assistant Chair Berry, Cedric | 740-6149 |
Administrative Assistant II Bridges, Bernadette | 821-2422 |
Assistant Program Coordinator Kim, James | 740-3153 |
Student Services Advisor De Leon Tell, Arturo | 740-5655 |
Professors Block, Bruce Katz, Gail Kagan, Jeremy Kellman, Barnet Leeman, Lisa Taylor, Michael Watson, John | 740-3317 740-3317 740-0003 740-6854 740-3317 821-3113 740-1976 |
Associate Professors Brown, Linda Head, Helaine Lewis, Everett | 821–5636 821-5691 821-1051 |
Professor of Practice Chomyn, Chris Costin, Midge Flick, Stephen Forner, Nancy Frasconi, Pablo Goodman, Brenda Miller, Tom Rosenberg, John Schiller, Robert | 740-0932 740-3975 740-3317 740-3317 740-7244 740-3320 740-3317 740-3317 740-3317 |
Associate Professor of Practice Albrezzi, Steven D. Burton, Richard Dousarkissian, Reine-Claire Pacifici, Angelo Provart, Michael Warren, Jennifer Whitman, Tristan Freiser, Eric | 740-2917 740-3317 740-3317 821-0039 740-3317 821-0566 821-2135 247-1890 |
Production Equipment Center
Arts Lab Manager Rossier, Nick | 740-9441 |
Specialized Equipment Assistant Trujillo, Hector | 821-0923 |
Specialized Equipment Assistant Rubio, Tony | 740-2898 |
Specialized Equipment Manager McNelley, Craig | 743-6745 |
Student Services
Student Services Director Anderson, Marcus | 740-8358 |
Admissions Program Manager Savla, Neelam | 740-8358 |
Assistant Director of Admissions Jimenez, Wendy | 740-8358 |
Assistant Director of Student Affairs Esquer, Victoria | 740-6876 |
Admissions Counselor II Bautista, Monique | 740-6851 |
Scholarship and Programs Coordinator Tabaldo, Jordan | 740-3018 |
Senior Academic Advisor Walden, Natalie | 740-9923 |
Senior Academic Advisor Cornish, Alicia | 740-3334 |
Student/Industry Relations and Festivals and Distribution
Assistant Dean Chi, Bonnie | 740-4432 |
Director of Festivals and Distribution Cassidy, Sandrine | 740-4432 |
Career Services & Film Festival Coordinator Myles, O’Shea | 821-9465 |
Program Specialist – Distribution Coordinator Horne, Derek | 821-0831 |
Administrative Assistant Bondoni, Kailyn | 740-4432 |
Media Talent and Development Manager Fox, Lisa | 740-4432 |
Summer Program
Director Maquiling, David | 740-0932 |
Student Advisor Choi, Anne | 740-3327 |
Warner Bros. Archives
Curator Russell, Bree | 821-3900 |
Writing Division
Chair Isaacs, David | 740-3303 |
Program Manager Davis, Kristen | 740-3303 |
Professors Abrams, Tom Bohlinger, Don Braun, Ted Howard, David Isaacs, David Rodman, Howard Sweeney, Mary | 740-2888 740-7516 740-3339 740-7416 740-3303 740-3303 740-3303 |
Associate Professors Jeffries, Georgia | 740-3303 |
Professor of Cinema Practice Belateche, Irving | 740-3303 |
Associate Professor of Practice Sheperd, Mark Weber, David | 740-3303 740-3303 |