THH 404, MC 0354
Main Phone: 740-2808
Main Fax: 741-0377
Header Section
Chair St. John, David | 740-3726 |
Administrative Manager Ruiz, Flora | 740-3726 |
Graduate Coordinator of Student Affairs Franco, Javier | 740-3728 |
Graduate Creative Writing/Literature Coordinator Bliss, Janalynn | 821-0477 |
Undergraduate Coordinators Perez-Guerrero, José G. Terazawa, Lauren | 740-3725 821-1163 |
Program Assistant Hough, Laura | 740-2810 |
Graduate Program Director Anderson, Emily | 740-3744 |
Graduate Creative Writing Director Johnson, Dana | 740-3742 |
Literary Editing and Publishing MA Director Mullins, Brighde | 740-4718 |
Undergraduate Program Director Green, Lawrence | 740-3731 |
Professors Anderson, Emily Bender, Aimee Boone, Joseph Braudy, Leo Dane, Joseph A. Echols, Alice Everett, Percival Flint, Kate Green, Lawrence Irwin, Mark Lemon, Rebecca McCabe, Susan Modleski, Tania Muske-Dukes, Carol Nelson, Maggie Nguyen, Viet Thanh Rollo, David Román, David Rowe, John Carlos Russett, Margaret E. Schor, Hilary M. Smith, Bruce St. John, David Stott, Andrew Tiffany, Daniel Treuer, David Wiggins, Marianne | 740-3744 740-3742 740-2818 740-3751 740-3750 740-2808 740-3743 740-3593 740-3731 740-3754 740-3732 740-2816 740-2820 740-2824 821-6521 740-3746 740-3729 740-2821 821-5594 740-3749 740-3738 740-2814 740-3726 740-2808 740-3736 821-1168 740-3741 |
Associate Professors Gambrell, Alice Griffiths, Devin Gustafson, Thomas Handley, William R. James, Heather Johnson, Dana Kemp, Anthony Senna, Danzy Tongson, Karen L. | 740-3737 740-2813 740-3747 740-3733 740-3740 740-2823 740-3730 821-6594 740-2817 |
Assistant Professors Cohen, Ashley Lauren Daniels-Rauterkus, Melissa Journey, Anna Jackson, Zakiyyah Iman Román, Elda María | 740-2252 740-2823 740-3735 821-2207 740-3753 |
Judge Widney Professor of Poetry and Public Culture Gioia, Dana | 740-2797 |
Provost Professor of Humanities and Arts Martínez Celaya, Enriqué T. | 821-2685 |
Writers in Residence Dyer, Geoffrey Lewis, Robin Coste | 740-3734 740-3734 |
Professor of the Practice of English Mullins, Brighde | 740-4718 |
Professors (Teaching) Bendall, Mary (Molly) A. Freeman, Christopher Segal, Susan Tomaini, Thea | 821-1169 821-5411 821-1169 740-8276 |
Associate Professors (Teaching) Berg, Richard | 740-3745 |
Assistant Professors of the Practice Lord, M.G. Ulin, David | 740-2815 740-3734 |
Assistant Professor (Teaching) Sanford Russell, Beatrice | 740-2815 |
Lecturers Chater, Andrew Green, Susan E. Ingram, Brian Wright, Erika | 740-8276 740-2808 740-2808 740-2808 |
Postdoctoral Scholars Findeisen, Chris Sligar, Sara Vogel, Marci Winslow, Aaron | 740-2808 |
Emeriti and Retired Faculty Alkon, Paul Berryman, Charles B. Boyle, T. Coraghessan Brown, William H. Dilligan, Robert Eggenschwiler, David Freeman, Donald C. Kincaid, James R. Martin, Jay Metzger, Charles Moore, Stephen C. Perloff, Marjorie Schulz, Max F. Tufte, Virginia J. | 740-2808 |