GER 240, MC 0193
Main Phone: 740-4893
Main Fax: 740-1120
Chair Dessouky, Maged | 740-06785 |
Department Business Manager Lewis, Shelly | 740-4898 |
Administrative Coordinators Carter, Roxanna Own, Grace | 821-0757 821-0829 |
Student Services Advisors De La Cruz-Gonzalez, Jessica Ponder, Morgan | 740-7549 740-4886 |
Associate Research Administrator Harrington, Lechelle | 821-2902 |
Epstein Chair Professor Ross, Sheldon M. | 821-1377 |
Epstein Family Chair Professor Hochbaum, Dorit | 740-4893 |
Professors Boehm, Barry Dessouky, Maged Hall, Randolph Higle, Julia L. Kesselman, Carl Khoshnevis, Behrokh Lu, Stephen Madni, Azad Meshkati, Najmedin Moore II, James E. Settles, Stan Von Winterfeldt, Detlof | 740-8163 740-4891 740-4709 740-6785 740-4893 740-4889 740-9616 740-3442 740-8765 740-0595 740-0263 740-0898 |
Associate Professors Chew, Elaine Huang, Qiang Rahimi, Mansour | 821-2414 740-2433 740-4016 |
Assistant Professors Chen, Yong Toriello, Alejandro Wu, Shinyi | 740-7829 740-4893 740-5073 |
Professors of Engineering Practice Friedman, George Madni, Azad | 740-1340 740-3442 |
Associate Professor of Engineering Practice Palmer, Kurt | 740-5969 |
Senior Lecturers Bottlik, Geza Sherman, Dana | 740-4893 740-4131 |
Adjunct Professor Mann, Michael | 740-4893 |
Adjunct Associate Professor Smith, Jeffrey | 740-4893 |
Emeritus Professors Fleischer, Gerald Nadler, Gerald | 740-4893 740-4892 |
Research Professors Arens, Yigal Dessouky, Mohamed Hora, Stephen | (310) 448-8766 740-4897 740-0898 |
Research Assistant Professor Laue, J. Ann | 740-5703 |
Adjunct Research Assistant Professor Placencia, Greg | 740-4893 |