ASC 305, MC 0281 | 740-3951 |
Fax | 740-3913 |
Director Amaya, Hector | 740-3770 |
Appointment and Promotion Coordinator Shotlow, Billie | 821-2718 |
Academic Program Associate Arguello, Allyson | 821-0462 |
Academic Program Associate Holterman, Sarah | 740-2538 |
Administrative Assistant Ramirez, Val | 821-1732 |
Writing Coach Mikanovich, Troy | (213) 746-9345 |
Sr. Advisor, Graduate Advisement & Academic Services Campian, Anne Marie | 740-0903 |
Provost Professor Jenkins, Henry | 740-9727 |
Professors Amaya, Hector Aronson, Jonathan D. Banet-Weiser, Sarah Bar, Francois Cull, Nicholas Goodnight, Gerald Thomas Gross, Larry Hollihan, Thomas Hollingshead, Andrea Kun, Josh Miller, Lynn C. Murphy, Sheila Williams, Dmitri Wilson, Ernest | 740-4438 743-1943 740-3951 743-2317 821-4080 741-5384 740-3770 740-3947 821-4081 740-3770 740-3948 740-0945 743-4647 821-1549 |
Associate Professors Ananny, Mike Dunbar-Hester, Christina Ferrara, Emilio Frazier, Taj Galperin, Hernan Lake, Randall A. Petersen, Jennifer Riley, Patricia Smith, Stacy Stevens, Robin Thomas, Douglas | 821-5391 821-1358 740-3951 740-6595 821-1320 740-3946 740-3770 740-3949 821-1546 740-3951 743-1939 |
Assistant Professors Twyman II, Marlon Visperas, Cristina Young, Lindsey | 740-9689 740-9083 740-4494 |
Clinical Professors Baroffio, Danielle Craig, David Curtis, Mathew Durbin, Daniel Keough, Colleen Lee, Ben North, Karen Pierson, Karen Scheer, Robert Sigismondi, Paolo Smith, Christopher Stables III, Gordon Trope, Alison | 821-4431 821-7895 821-4430 821-6615 740-3944 (626) 688-2739 (310) 235-4444 740-3951 821-1398 740-4810 821-5243 740-2759 821-1291 |
Clinical Associate Professors Banks, Bob Lee, Carmen Shipley, Brad | 821-7851 740-3951 821-1398 |
Clinical Assistant Professors Dhillon, Kiranjeet Godoy, Carlos Lee, Hye Jin Neff, Jessica Muthuswamy, Nithya Pade, Courtney | 821-4146 740-3951 821-4235 743-2247 743-2247 743-2247 |
Associate Professors of Professional Practice Itaya, Joseph Koyama, Monica | 740-3951 740-3951 |
Research Professors Cole, Jeffrey Crawford, Kate Green, Jerrold Maclay, Colin | 310-235-4444 213-221-2011 821-5611 |
Research Professor of Communication and Journalism, Norman Lear Chair in Entertainment, Media, and Society Kaplan, Martin | (323) 782-3311 |
Lecturers Campbell, Rook Kennedy, Sean Nager, Freddy | 740-3951 740-3951 740-3951 |
Provost Professor, Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism, School of Cinematic Arts Jenkins, Henry | 740-3951 |
University Professor Wallis Annenberg Chair of Communication in Technology and Society Castells, Manuel | 821-5386 |
Administrative Assistant Martinez, Pauline | 821-2079 |
Postdoctoral Scholars Williams, Neftalie | 740-3951 |
International Journal on Communication
Managing Editor Bell-Garcia, Kady | (213) 743-4607 |
Editor/Writer I Zhang, Chi |
Advisement and Academic Services
Assistant Dean of Student Affairs and Director of Career Development Alcantara, Suzanne | 740-6045 |
Student Services Administrator Perez, Teresa | 740-5958 |
Senior Associate Director, Academic Advisement & Civic Engagement Brown, JaBari | 740-5997 |
Civic Engagement Coordinator | 740-1215 |
Senior Assistant Director, Undergraduate Advisement & Academic Services Vigilla, Isaac | 821-3596 |
Senior Academic Advisors Chio-Gallardo, Zada Rubio, Priscilla Zardenetta, Nicole | 821-0752 213-764-2705 821-2226 |
Academic Advisor Howard, Jennifer | (213) 764-3155) |
Assistant Director, Advisement and Academic Services Ploszek, Mike | 740-0887 |
Graduate Advisor, Graduate Advisement and Academic Services
Communication and Management and Global Communication Capirchio, Adrienne | 821-4164 |
Graduate Academic Advisors De La Cruz-Gonzalez, Jessica Valdez, Nicole Zhang, Susan | 740-7549 740-7817 740-4688 |
Career Development
Associate Director Kelly, Kathryn | 821-1514 |
Assistant Director, Career Development Gage, Lindsey | 821-2717 |
Senior Career Services Advisor Therault, Cherisse | 821-8280 |
Assistant Director, Industry Relations Booker, Jeremy | 821-5919 |
Student Programs Advisor Rigney, Zack | 740-6552 |
International Programs
Senior Assistant Director Stahl, Georgia | 821-1276 |
Student Programs Advisor Reyes, Cassandra | 740-4260 |
Communication Labs CommLab ASC 230 CommLab ASC 330 CommLab ASC 329 | 821-1992 740-3431 821-1991 |