Chair Mulligan, Rosean Fax | 740-1084 740-1581 |
Administrative Services Manager Reyna, Irene Fax | 740-7633 740-1581 |
Section Chair, Community Dentistry Nathason, Niel | 740-1523 |
Section Chair, Geriatrics and Special Patients Suarez, Piedad | 740-7341 |
Section Chair, Behavioral Dentistry and Practice Management Forrest, Jane | 740-8669 |
Project Manager Garber, Kimberly Fax | 821-1423 740-5323 |
Section Chair, Advanced and Pediatric Dentistry Udin, Richard | 740-2679 |
Program Manager Melton, Casado Fax | 740-2679 740-1265 |
Professor Mulligan, Roseann | 740-1084 |
Emeritus Associate Professor Conley, Jack | |
Professor of Clinical Dentistry Forrest, Jane | 740-8669 |
Associate Professors of Clinical Dentistry Nathason, Niel Udin, Richard | 740-1523 740-2679 |
Assistant Professors of Clinical Dentistry Beale, Gardner Elizondo, Laura Kathleen Enciso, Reyes Faust, Sharon Greene, Veronica Han, Tran Jenks, Julie Lent, Janet Morzov, John (CHLA) Pinnick, Andrea Suarez, Piedad Sundaresan, Santosh | 740-0412 347-6300 x 2247 821-6730 821-6814 740-1255 (323) 552-3458 821-5984 740-5094 (323) 361-2130 (323) 552-6875 (or 740-0412) 740-7341 821-5884 |
Clinical Professors Good, David Macdonald, Gayle | 740-0412 740-2339 |
Clinical Associate Professors Spolarich, Ann Eshenaur | (480) 575-6630 |
Clinical Assistant Professors Chiu, Ketty Houston, Elizabeth Habibian, Mina Hiroshige, Kimberly Kim, Jiwon Lo, Jennifer Love, Stacy Montgomery, Mark Soria, Luis | 740-75094 821-1423 821-5985 821-1423 740-5094 740-3438 740-5094 821-1423 821-1423 |
Advanced Pediatric Dentistry
Associate Professor of Clinical Dentistry Udin, Richard | 740-2679 |
Assistant Professors of Clinical Dentistry Beale, Gardner DeBord, Jessica Jenks, Julie Pinnick, Andrea Tanbonliong, Tom | 740-0412 740-2680 821-5984 (323) 552-6875 (or 740-0412) 740-0412 |
Clinical Professor Good, David | 740-0412 |