Chemical Engineering
HED 216, MC1211
Main Phone | 740-2225 |
Main Fax | 740-8053 |
Materials Science
VHE 602, MC 0241
Main Phone | 740-4339 |
Main Fax | 740-7797 |
Petroleum Engineering
HED 316, MC 1211
Main Phone | 740-0322 |
Main Fax | 740-0324 |
Chair Hodge, Andrea | 740-1364 |
Department Business Manager Vuong, Diana | 740-3039 |
Administrative Assistant/Event Coordinator Alexander, Heather | 740-2062 |
Director, MFD Student Affairs Tritto, Anthony | 740-6011 |
Assistant Director, MFD Student Affairs Woo, Karen | 740-2227 |
Student Services Advisor Laffin, Jordan | 740-0322 |
Research Administrator Letargo, Monina | 740-1896 |
Associate Research Administrators Lee-Houang, Annie Torres, Heideilita Walker, Marcus Wong, Patricia | 740-1640 740-2225 740-3039 821-2662 |
Laboratory Managers Curulli, John (CNI) Silva, Tina (Instructional) | 740-1990 740-2054 |
Laboratory Coordinators Bastourus, Shokry | 740-2061 |
Research Lab Technician (Composite Center) Zhang, Yunpeng | 740-7281 |
Professors Dapkus, Daniel (Electrical Engineering) Ershaghi, Iraj Kali, Rajiv Kassner, Michael (Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering) Langdon, Terence (Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering) Madhukar, Anupam Nutt, Steven Qin, S. Joe Hodge, Andrea Sahimi, Muhammad Thompson, Mark (Chemistry) Tsotsis, Theodore T. Vashishta, Priya Yortsos, Yannis C. | 740-4414 740-0321 821-2658 740-7212 740-0491 740-4323 821-4028 740-0317 821-4132 740-2064 740-6402 740-2069 821-2663 740-0617 |
Associate Professors Armani, Andrea Chang, Wenji Victor Goo, Edward Jessen, Kristian Lee, Jr., C.Ted Malmstadt, Noah Shing, Katherine Wang, Pin | 740-4428 740-2072 740-4426 740-2073 740-2066 821-2034 740-2068 740-0780 |
Assistant Professors Gupta, Malancha Yoon, Jongseung | 740-2067 740-4340 |
Research Professors Aminzadeh, Fred Zhang, Dongxiao | 821-4268 740-3016 |
Emeritus Professors Crowell, Clarence Dougherty, Elmer Gershenzon, Murray Mansfeld, Florian Salovey, Ronald | 740-4339 740-0322 740-4339 740-3016 740-2225 |
Chemical Engineering Laboratories
Polymer Deposition, PCE 101 Polymer Characterization, PCE 101-102 Fred L. Hartley Materials Science Instructional, PCE 103 Fred L. Hartley Chemical Engineering Instructional, PCE 104-105 Collaborative Research, PCE 107 Undergraduate Nanotechonology Research, PCE 201 Reaction and Transport Processes, PCE 203, 205-207, 304, 311 Lyman L. Handy Laboratory of Fluid Flow through Porous Media, PCE 301 Petroleum Engineering, PCE 302-303 Biotechnology, PCE 306 Synthetic Biomaterials, PCE 309 |
Materials Science Laboratories
Ambient SPM Lab Biochemical Nanostructure Laboratory, VHE 605 Cathodoluminescence Scanning Electron Microscopy, VHE 607 Ceramics, VHE 709 Collaboratory For Advanced Computing and Simulations, VHE 606-614 Composites Laboratory, VHE 122 Compound Semiconductor Laboratory, VHE 302-313 Corrosion and Environmental Effects Laboratory, VHE 719-723 Image Analysis, VHE 417 In-Situ Processing Laboratory, VHE 505-509 Intermetallics, VHE 705 Materials Simulations Laboratory, VHE 513 Mechanical Properties, VHE 419, 422 Mechanical Test Laboratory, 120D Metallography, VHE 411 Molecular Beam Epitaxy, VHE 505-513 Optical Measurements Laboratory, VHE 519 Sandwich Panel Dynamics Laboratory, VHE 609 Scanning Probe Microscopy Laboratory, VHE 505-509 Surface Science Laboratory, VHE 513 Thermal Properties, VHE 409 | 821-2339 821-2339 740-3608 821-2662 740-5945 740-6018 740-3016 821-2251 821-2251 740-6082 740-5945 821-2251 821-2338 821-2251 821-2551 |