HOH 231, MC 0822
Main Phone: 740-6515
Main Fax: 740-6650
Chair Jones, Christopher | 740-9485 |
Operations Manager Pitts, Helen | 740-6554 |
Staff Choueiti, Marc Jacobs, Deborah Lichvar, Terry Maloney, Mary | 821-0915 740-6516 740-6522 740-2765 |
Ph.D. Programs
Co-Directors Matsusaka, John Ahern, Kenneth | 740-6495 821-5583 |
Professors DeAngelo, Harry Harris, Lawrence Hirshleifer, David Hoberg, Gerard Imrohoroglu, Ayse Imrohoroglu, Selahattin Jones, Christopher Marino, Anthony Matsusaka, John Murphy, Kevin Parsons, Chris Quadrini, Vincenzo Ramcharan, Rodney Schmid, Lukas | 740-4093 740-6496 740-5615 740-2348 740-6518 740-6546 740-9485 740-6525 740-6495 740-6553 740-1057 740-6521 821-1104 821-1830 |
Associate Professors Ahern, Kenneth Camara, Odilon Chang, Tom Donaldson, Jason Frydman, Cary Joslin, Scott Korteweg, Arthur Piacentino, Giorgia Tuzel, Selale | 821-5583 740-7658 740-1135 740-6397 821-5586 740-7137 740-0567 740-5823 740-9486 |
Assistant Professors Bairoliya, Neha Daruich, Diego De La O, Ricardo Giacoletti, Marco Jansen, Kristy Jiang, Erica Kendall, Chad Kilic, Mete Levi, Yaron Li, Wenhao Martinez-Marquina, Alejandro Neretina, Ekaterina Nix, Emily Parkhomenko, Andrii Ramos, Joao Seth, Gunjan Zhang, Ben | 821-4070 821-1873 740-0288 740-6499 740-6809 764-4128 740-7804 821-9899 821-4160 821-0898 740-4295 740-6538 740-3759 821-4232 821-9888 821-1829 821-9887 |
Professors of Clinical Callahan, Tyrone Chen, Baizhu Fields, C. Kerry Ku, Suh-Pyng Plotts, Julia | 740-6498 740-7558 740-9307 740-6540 821-6798 |
Associate Professors of Clinical Abrams, Scott Akbulut, Rahsan Altintig, Ayca Bristow, Duke Fields, Kevin Ibrahimi-Nazarian, Fatemeh | 740-9146 740-1630 740-3923 821-6513 821-8764 740-3934 |
Assistant Professors of Clinical Hill, Matthew Kaplan, Eric Shepherd, Shane | 821-1286 740-7559 740-6557 |
Lecturer Safarzadeh, Mohammad | 821-4185 |
Emeriti Faculty Babcock, Guilford C. Campbell, Tim S. Bridges, Robert Joseph Cheeseman, Henry DeAngelo, Harry DeAngelo, Linda Eastin, Richard Verr Ferson, Wayne E. Joines, Douglas Hal Levitin, Lloyd Alan Protopapadakis, Aris Aristides Shapiro, Alan C. Swartz, Mick Weinstein, Mark I. Westerfield, Randolph W. | 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 |
Courtesy/Joint Appointments Dechow, Patricia Green, Richard Kent Sloan, Richard Ranciere, Romain Sood, Neeraj | |
Adjunct /Part-time Faculty Ayoob, John Bhatia, Nikhil Briggs, Eric Fonseca, Dylan Foreman, Todd Gonzalez, Juan Griffiths, Mark Guzberg, James Healey, James Little, Brian Makaew, Tanakorn Moyer, Steve Rahimian, Arya Schurman, Stephen Sharma, Sanjay Silk, Stephen Robert Sprague, Mark Stone, Sheldon Swartz, Mick Tarnofsky, Robert Willett, Eric | 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 740-6515 |